
Neil Smith: I’m Marketing Dad at the Smith Family Soapmakers and originally, the Coconut Oil Shop. We’ve been part of the “maker community” since mum’s cousin came back from a visit to “Rocky”, where she watched a clip on the Bradie Bunch, about a woman with goats. That was the beginning of us making things as a family.

But let’s back up a bit. We were already selling Coconut Oil online before that. But that is another story.

In fact, as a family man, I’ve been directly responsible for determining the sales I make since 1995. In that time I have worked within an employment agreement, or self employed but always in sales and marketing.

I thought, I just have to share some of the things I’ve been through with my family, in a family business that makes, markets and manages everything from home. Yes, long before any “lockdowns” happened.

With the thought of sharing my experience with others, in February 2021, I reached out to a contact of mine who runs a successful marketing business in Christchurch. Within 2 weeks of that phone call, they created a Business Development Manager role for me. I reach out to businesses to share my knowledge, and I am proud of that role. You can contact me on the same cell phone as always. This site is where I share what is important to me, in sales and marketing at our family business. You may also use the contact form on this site.